Section 1
The Purpose of the Manual
The general purpose of the Manual is to provide a framework for thinking about the development, management, delivery and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of sport-for-employability programmes. The reason for such a comprehensive approach is that any attempt to undertake M&E of the delivery and effectiveness of a programme needs to be based on a comprehensive understanding of its nature and implementation and how it is assumed to achieve its intended outcomes and impacts.
What is the theory of change (see Sections 4 and 5) underpinning a programme?
What is the programme trying to achieve and why was a particular approach chosen?
What are the appropriate outcomes and impacts that should be measured?
How do the outcomes and impacts relate to the various components of the programme?
Therefore, the Manual seeks to:
Provide a framework for thinking about and establishing programme aims, objectives and related performance indicators. (Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7)
Provide a framework to support organisations to develop a theory of change for their programmes- to examine how and why will a programme achieve its desired outcomes? (Sections 3, 4, 5 and 7)
Assist organisations to better understand the content and measurement of the desired outcomes associated with the vague and often ill-defined notion of employability. (Sections 2, 3 and 7)
Provide guidance for establishing and implementing a framework for the M&E of programmes. (Sections 2, 3 and 7)
Provide and explain several instruments/scales for measuring particular outcomes. (Section 7)
Provide guidance on questionnaire design and data collection. (Section 8)
Provide Excel spreadsheets for ease of data entry and analysis of these scales. (Section 9)
Provide guidance on reporting the findings of the M&E process. (Section 10)
More generally, it outlines an approach which will enable organisations to adopt an integrated approach to their planning and implementation that facilitates ongoing learning and development of organisational capacity and effective programme delivery.